SKU: AK014

Winter Streaking Grime


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Enamel Product.

Enamel type streaking for modelling. Light grey color ideal for creating dirt streaks on light or white colored surfaces. Also suitable for other effects such as add chromatic richness to any piece or surface. Shake well before use. Apply your streak with a fine pointed brush in irregular vertical lines from upper parts on sides and let the paint dry for about 10 minutes. Next take a flat brush moisted in White Spirit and swipe with little pressure over the earlier applied streak to soften the effect and create a natural look.


** Download here a technical sheet on how to use it.



Producto Esmalte.

Este producto de base enamel imita perfectamente la suciedad escurrida y acumulada sobre color blanco y sobre camuflajes invernales.

Agitar bien antes de usar. Aplicar unas líneas irregualres con un pincel desde la parte superior de un panel y difuminar con un pincel limpio y humedecido en White Spirit después de unos minutos, para suavizar el efecto.


** Descargue aquí una ficha técnica sobre cómo utilizarlo.


"Exclusive Product Walk Around"

Additional information

Weight 0,05 kg
Dimensions 3,5 × 3,5 × 7 cm









AFV, Military

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