Air Force European I Camo Colors 1980s11 RealesProducto AKRC Militar
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Selection of four colors that are indispensable for painting models of the U.S. aircraft finished in the so-called Euro I and Euro II (Lizard) camouflage schemes that had been used in the 1980s, including the A-10 Thunderbolt II, F-4 Phantom II and some F-16 Falcons of the USAF, and A-7D Corsair II of the Air National Guard.
*The bottles are served individually. Box not included.
US Air Force European I Camo Colors 1980s composed by:
RC900 – Forest Green FS 34079
RC902 – Dull Dark Green FS 3409
RC905 – Green FS 34102
RC912 – Grey FS 36081
Selección de cuatro colores indispensables para pintar aviones estadounidenses terminados en los llamados esquemas de camuflaje Euro I y Euro II (Lizard) los cuales se utilizaron en la década de 1980, incluido el A-10 Thunderbolt II, F- 4 Phantom II y algunos F-16 Falcons de la USAF, y A-7D Corsair II de la Air National Guard.
*Los botes se sirven de forma individual. No incluyen caja.
US Air Force European I Camo Colors 1980s compuesto por: